
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Back to Bud's

Although most are familiar with the Greene County Museum in Waynesburg, there is another little known spot full of as much local history as you can stuff in a garage.  Between Crucible and Carmichaels, Pa sits one of the coolset spots I've ever had the pleasure of visiting.  Bud Bradmon's body shop if so full of local history and just cool stuff, it would take several visits to see it all.  Bud says "You gotta get in the corners and look!" He isn't kidding.
Initially, you notice the cars.  The Hudson in the garage is a must see!  The vintage gas pumps and soda machines are the next eye catchers.  Signs from local business adorn the fence and walls.  You'll be saying "Hey, I remember that" more than once, I assure you.

Once inside, the neck spasms begin.Items from the past decades are everywhere you look.  Model airplanes, soda bottles, record albums, photos, vintage toys, memoribila from local's quite amazing.  Even the King himself sits in a soda shop booth ready to share a peanut butter and banana sandwich! But theres more..
Its the items bud has cataloged in his office that are the most interesting.  Map books from as early at the 1700s,  items such as gasolene ration cupons from the war era and even his paycheck stubs from his job as a teenager! Bud raked in a cool $18 a week!
Now, before you American Pickers start emailing me..I'm prety sure Bud isn't interested in selling anything.  Actually, local residents who know Bud bring him items to add to the collection. We even took him some trinkets from the Nemacolin Mine trip. Business items from the Carmichaels, Nemacolin, Crucible and Rices Landing areas are what he treaures the most.  Whats cool is, you not only get to see his collection, but get a history lesson behind it.  Bud is a wonderful man who offers up a hot cup of coffee and insight into things and places the upcomming generation may never know.

Check out the video for a small tour.

If you stop by Bud's garage, make a donation and sign the fire truck.  The donations will go to the Ronald McDonald House, a charity near and dear to Buds family.  "Back To Buds" is gonna be a regular feature here on SWPARE...Look for a story in the Greene Saver, too.  And remember, if you find a cool old sign or bottle, take it to Bud, he'll find a spot for it!  When I go back, I'm taking my Dad...I wanna sit back and listen to those stories!  

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

wow... Joseph 'Jock' Yablonski bumper sticker. Found in a pile of debris at the Abandoned Nemacolin, PA mine.

Found this intact today at the old Nemacolin Mine. If you don't know the history behind this...CLICK HERE.

They made a HBO movie about it back in 1986. Read about it HERE.


Click Here for a photo set of the mine, or HERE for a video tour of the site today.

Nemacolin Mine

Closed in 1986 and sealed in 1988,the Nemacolin Mine was owened by the Buckeye Coal Company.Said to be the largest mine in the US in 1919 and second most productive in Greene County by 1940,litte remains of this once busy mine.I figured I would get the blog back on focus today and head down to check the remains.
Today,we went as a team,which I strongly recommend on this type of venture.Evan(a fellow local history buff) and Danielle(our bodyguard and far superior photographer)headed in for a great morning of rural exploration the way it should be!
Our time was limited,but we plan to return soon.Here are some pic of the mine,enjoy.(thanks to for the info)

To see a nice birds eye fully interactive map of this mine Click Here  For some reason, I can not embed a live map using Safari for Mac.  Use the controls on top of map to zoom and rotate.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bud Bradmon

Bud Bradmon is a man who lives near Carmichaels,Pa.He has,from what I understand,is an awesome collection of memoribilia from the area.He is also doing some awesome charity work with the fire truck in this pic.
Mr.Bradmon wasn't there today when I snapped this pic,but rest assured...I'm gonna go back.Can't wait to see his collection and sign the truck for charity.Look for a post on this....soon.

Point Marion,Pa

I drive through Point Marion just about every day,but have recently began to notice a few lost gems that have survived the years.The scars of buildings long gone paint a picture of a once bustiling town,which seems to be all too common along the Mon river.Slabs of concrete and empty lots were once busy spots in this town.Its the few that remain that we need to admire,before they,too are gone.
I snapped these shots on a cloudy Saturday morning in November.I can't help but wonder how busy the streets were 50 or 60 years ago.People Christmas shopping?Getting their cold remidies from the Rexall?Perhaps a foutain soda? The store which owns the building with the signs is actually still in business as a furniture and applience store.Hopefully,I can get some shots from inside one day,before its an empty lot,too.I'm due for a new washing machine,soon.I'm gonna go there and buy it.Keep your business local,and take your kids when you do.So they'll have something to remember.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Call me the slacker!!

Not many updates latley,and nows usually the best time for checking stuff out,so hold tight.I'll be back with updates on cool stuff..Heres a shot of the railroad bridge that crosses 88 at the nothern end of the Rail Trail heading from Rices Landing to Fredricktown.I don't know if the trail will expand this way or bridge,though.