
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Point Marion,Pa

I drive through Point Marion just about every day,but have recently began to notice a few lost gems that have survived the years.The scars of buildings long gone paint a picture of a once bustiling town,which seems to be all too common along the Mon river.Slabs of concrete and empty lots were once busy spots in this town.Its the few that remain that we need to admire,before they,too are gone.
I snapped these shots on a cloudy Saturday morning in November.I can't help but wonder how busy the streets were 50 or 60 years ago.People Christmas shopping?Getting their cold remidies from the Rexall?Perhaps a foutain soda? The store which owns the building with the signs is actually still in business as a furniture and applience store.Hopefully,I can get some shots from inside one day,before its an empty lot,too.I'm due for a new washing machine,soon.I'm gonna go there and buy it.Keep your business local,and take your kids when you do.So they'll have something to remember.


  1. Unfortunately, the biggest part of the town is owned by a select few who have no intests in keeping things is good repair. The individual who owns the appliance store also owns the Rexall Drugstore building. That building has so much history to it and it is literaly falling apart. These slumlords have drained what they could out of the buildings without putting anything back in. I grew up here and was gone for the last 10 years. I could not believe how deteriorated the place is. Not even safe to walk on the sidewalks. When the pride is gone, the town is dead. I've offered volunteer services to assist the community and save some money to do some other improvements but those in charge are not intersted. I wish when I was younger I would have taken photos of things. One of the towns earliest residents that I befriended years ago told me alot of history about the town. If you only knew what was once upon a time you wouldn't believe it.

  2. I too grew up in Point Marion and have seen the demise. I know the owner of the appliance store and Rexall Building you speak of and I believe he'd be happy to let you in both buildings to take pictures. I own a hair salon in a building that's over 100 years old and was once a hotel and also housed a bar. There are a lot of cool pictures you can take in that building...part of it still has the original tin ceilings. It is quite depressing what has become of our little town. There is a huge book of Point Marion history that I own and that was put together by local residents years ago. Lots of pictures in there. Yes, Point Marion was once a bustling town when the main street was made of dirt and early cars were parked along the curbs. You'll recognize the buildings in the history book I have...they've not changed a whole ton. The VFW is housed in one of the old buildings and it used to be a diner on the bottom I think but in the early 1990s I lived on the top floor of that building and the rooms were huge with original wood floors and thick trim, though painted with the typical heavy brown paint that all old buildings seem to use until someone comes in and strips it all. In the 50's and 60's, there was a bowling alley under what used to be Bi-Lo's supermarket (in the strip of buildings that houses the Hardware store which has always been a hardware store). The Rexall had a soda fountain that my grandmother used to work at. There was also a movie theatre, a restaurant called The Barn Door, another restaurant called the Chemon, Klein's furniture and department store, a skating rink, newspaper office, and so much more. I'd be happy to show you the book and introduce you to some of the people who can tell you stories and show you pictures. You can reach me by email at Hope to hear from you.

  3. My aunt worked at the barn door. I would love to see your book on the town. Do you know if there is a copy at the Point Marion Library?
