
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Smokin' in the Boys Room...The Brownsville (Union) Station

As regular followers of the blog are well aware, we have the mother lode of abandoned/historically significant turf right in our backyard...but it won't be there long.  From what we understand, the buildings that make up the downtown Brownsville area are slated to be demolished in the near future. We've been hitting B'ville a lot latley because we love whats there to see and the clocks ticking. A few months back we decided to go renegade after the powers that be, essentially pulled the plug on the Fredericktown Ferry Boat Festival. Next stop...good old Brownsville,Pa.

We know that there a group of citizens in the Brownsville trying to preserve the history of the town, which we applaud and support. We wish them luck.  The grim reality is most of the beloved buildings are essentially falling down and very dangerous.   We understand that plans to raze the buildings are essentially underway, with several already gone. Being the explorers and defenders of local history we are,  we acted on a tip from a fellow explorer that the Union Station building was accessible.  When we arrived the door was not only unlocked but wide open. 

 The Station has been on our target list for awhile. It was certailally a hub of activity in the Brownsville area back in the day and has earned a visit to capture it for memories. Several of our Facebook friends have already posted memories of the building on a 'teaser' pic I posted from another upcoming Brownsville post.  The Union Station was the railroad station with the tracks to the rear .  It also housed many offices on the upper floors and several attached storefronts.We're unsure if the Union Station is on the demo list..(we hope not) but we thought we better check it out while we could! Danielle was working this day and since it was a 'quickie' hit,  our photos may not be the quality you are used to from D,   but from what we understand, the building is now locked and posted by the government. We're glad we visited her when we did.  Enjoy the pics and please post any more information or memories you have on the Brownsville Union Station.  We hope maybe this one gets to survive!

Source unknown.....


Found documents in the freight station

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Masontown, Pa Route 21 Bridge

I was out driving around today, enjoying the 60 degree plus weather at Thanksgiving and it struck me.  I have been really negligent on getting shots of the Masontown, Pa bridge project.  When the new one at Denbo, carrying RT 43 went up, I was there every few months, documenting its completion, so I needed to get on the stick.  

The current bridge in Masontown travels near to Hatfield Ferry power station, thats probably the most defining characteristic of the bridge.  But there was a time, back in 1925, when the bridge was new, it crossed the Monongahela trough quiet countrysides.  I found the below shot on an old post card.

1925 post card.  Really hard to get the same shot today, as it is really grown up.

A lot has changed in 85 plus years......  The bridge was rehabilitated back in 1992, but for those of us that live here, you'd have never guessed it.  This has to be one of the most feared bridges in the area, judging from the general populations opinions.  Work began back in Febuary or so, and at the rate it seems to be progressing, I'd estimate it should be ready in about a year or so, which means an implosion of the old bridge will soon follow.  Speaking of imploding bridges, you need to check out the blog Danielle did on this imploded bridge from last year, w/ some cool video she shot.

Bridge a few months ago before construction started.

I plan on updating this blog often, until the bridge is complete, so check back the meantime, I'm going to start this out w/ some shots I took today, November 22, 2012.

I took this from my bicycle about two years ago.  Yea, it has a pedestrian crossing, but I never see anyone using it.  Doesn't matter much, half of this is stripped away now.

Boy oh boy, look how bad its seedy underbelly is....

Taken from St. John Serbian Orthodox

Taken from St. John Serbian Orthodox.  I love incorporating  barges into river shots..... 
 St. John Serbian Orthodox and Hatfield Station.
Aug. 2013 

...and as of today, 09.2813..... It is gone.
Sept. 28, 2013.  6 PM
Below from today...thanks to whoever took it!