
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bobtown, PA Mine, Shannopin mine.

So, It's been a slow month for  number of reasons here at SWPARE blog, so I thought I'd rely on some old pictures to "fill out" the blog until we start up again in the next two weeks or so.   This filler is courtesy of a rainy day 5 weeks ago when I decided to head down to the Bobtown / Shannopin mine site.  This site operated until 1993 or so, so you'd think it'd be in better shape, but alas, no.   Submitted in no real order are the remains of this mine now.

As always, click on the pictures to enlarge!

Bathhouse when in operation.

....and now.

C'mon, Danielle, you know you wanna crawl in, but look out for that Black Damp!

Bath house

Soap Dish in bath house

Showers in bath house

An old portal

Steps that led to the patch

March 2011. Boiler house, roof intact.

Sept 2011. Same boiler house as above.  Roof collapsed.

From the boiler house.  This is all destroyed now in the roof collapse.

From the boiler house.  This is all destroyed now in the roof collapse.
From the boiler house.  This is all destroyed now in the roof collapse.
From the boiler house.  This is all destroyed now in the roof collapse.

The electric rail road bridge

The electric rail road bridge

Hey....arent you in my yard now......?

....yea....I thought.  Preserved now.

Electric train shed

Electric train shed

"Huge Wang"..... lol


  1. I'm new to the site but i think ive spent 4 straight hours on it... absolutely fascinating. Have u ever done any research or exploration of what i guess you could call the old carmichaels-crucible road? You can see certain areas, such as right before larrys music right by an old fence line and couple hundred yards past menhearts house on the right side, where parts of the old road runs near parallel to the road thats now in place. Both of those locations would be if you were comming from crucible. I dont know how accurate this is but an old timer once told me the new road was built in the 30's sometime. Just curious

  2. Thanks for the nice comments! And , I haven't really researched this road, but I know what you are talking about. And its true, the Carm/Cruc. road is rather "new"...If you are ever uptown Carmichaels, stop in the barber shop on the square, and talk to Dave....he will tell you all about the roads and when they opened.

  3. Hey I walked down to this yesterday with my best friend and we saw a few things you would be interested in. Theres a metal tower on the way down the Road To The Top Of The Hill on the opposite side as the mine (same side as the ballpark) and then we also found another rail bridge and what looks like a ladder leading into a possible mine entrance? I took pictures and would be happy to show them.

    1. to see them send them on to Thanx!

  4. i live in the town right up the hill from this place and i visit the location on a regular basis, too bad the boiler house collapsed, i woulda enjoyed seeing the inside of it firsthand, i love seeing all the artifacts laying around, if i could id snag me a pair of those boots,but i heard its counted as stealing from government property so

  5. Driving away from the ball park toward newtown, there is a pull off to the left right after the iron bridge beside the road, where the mantrips would drive along the creek to the bridge they are talking about where there is about 6 drift entrances they would call the pitt mouth.

  6. My grandfather lived in Bobtown and worked in some mine....could this be the one?

    1. Most likely, Carolyn. However, there were mines all over, but generally, you lived where you worked back then. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. My uncle worked in the mines also but this was way back in the 1930's.....its there any way to get an employee roster of those people? Who owned this mine, etc.

  8. well carolyn, he mine was owned by jones and laughlin steel company out of pittsburgh, as for an employee roster, that all depends, what was your uncles name? the Shannopin coal company opened up in 1929

  9. I worked in the the warehouse fromega 85 to closing. Such a shame to see what is left.

  10. My dad died in this mine.

  11. I worked at the prep plant from "83" until the mine closed, was the scale man and took coal samples. It was a good job, would do it all over again. Worked with many good and nice people. Too bad it is gone.

  12. Did anyone know Art Verna who worked here?

  13. My dad got killed in that mine
