
Monday, August 31, 2020

Test...1..2. Is this thing on?

 Well..we've decided to revive the blog! Although Evan has kept the SWPARE Facebook up and running, we sort got away from the Blogger format. Actually, a lot of the cool blogs that were around back then have sort of died off.  We put far too much effort into SWPARE to let it we're changing the oil, kicking the tires and seeing what the old girl has left. (The blog, not Danielle).

 Although its easier to post to Facebook and Instagram, theres a lot of crap one has to wade through to find something good to read. I don't know about you but the constant political debate and everyday drama on Facebook are enough to make me seek refuge elsewhere! So kick back, relax and enjoy some cool stuff!  A big Thank You to everyone that stuck around! If you are new to the blog..go feel free to explore some of the older posts! We'll be updating on some of the old posts and bringing some new stuff soon,

 Life has changed for us  a bit since we last posted but Evan, Danielle and I will be keeping the old blog chugging along. We also have some friends wanting to explore and post with us, so stay tuned! As always feel free to comment and share your ideas. 

Your Pals, 

Chip, Evan and Danielle!