
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Crucible Ferry

(Post edited 1/1/11 due to clarification)
These photos show the Nekoda,the former cable ferry that ran between Greene and Fayette counties near the Crucible Mine.The photo taken from the water was from 1982,showing the ferry where it sat for many years after service stopped.Many people believe the ferry was moved downstream toward the mine pier during the 85 flood.However,the other photos were taken from shore while the pool of the river was dropped due to bardges clogging the Maxwell Lock gates open.The pool was dropped after the flood,so these photos show it was still there post flooding.As a member of the RLVFD,our dive team would dive at the old launch as practice.I remember tagging along and swimming out to stand on the ferry.This would have been early 90's.So...when did it move?Was it scrapped or taken to a museum..or is it still laying in the Mon?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Cheat Lake Bridge

These pix are from the Cheat Lake bridge near Morgantown WV.I thought you may be a little tired of looking at pictures of crumbling concrete and rusting iron.The lovley young lady is Christy Cesarino,a co-worker of mine at WVUH. The pictures are by Yan Liux,another fellow Ruby-ite (we nurses are a talented bunch!)...his profile is here....awesome work!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More Misc Rices Landing

Here we have a couple more misc shots of Rices Landing Spots...just throwin some stuff up to kill time while the snow melts!See if you recognize anything!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Meeting of the Bloggers?

I was wondering if some of you fellow bloggers would be interested in a meet-up after the holidays to discuss some ideas?I have been wanting to get together with some folks,have a few drinks,some food and talk blogging.Caputos? Lemme know...spring will here before we know it!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday Night Spooks!

Well...its winter and I've been working some dayshifts,so the outside advenures have slowed a bit.But never fear,there will be some good stuff comming up very soon.The leafless trees provide better photo ops in the wilderness that is eastern Greene county,so,stay tuned.In the meantime,something different...
Todays topic is something near and dear to my heart.Cheesy horror movies.You may or may not remember Chiller Theater on WIIC (now WPXI)Pittsburgh Channel 11.Saturday nights,after the news,Bill Cardille presented the best of cheesy horror/sci-fi from the 50s to the 70s.I remember the first night I was allowed to stay up that late watching 'Hush,Hush Sweet Charolette'with my sister,Debbie.These movies are tame if not boring compared to todays remakes of remakes of Hollywood Horror,but If you came up in the 70's and it was 11:30 on a Saturday night,you were watching Chilly Billy!Between movie portions,Billy and his cast of misfits would keep you entertained with skits of local interest.It was very kitsch,and very fun.But alas,along came cable in the early 80's as well as he VCR and Chiller Theater was forgotton for MTV or whatever Showtime movie showed a hint of boobs!
But I have recently discovered a nice reminder of the old Chiller Theater.The 'It's Alive Show" comes on at 1 a.m. on Saturday nights on channel 8,WPMY is awesome!It is very similar to the original Chiller Theater,with host Proffesor Emcee Square and his cast of zany charcters.My fave is Leah the Mummy.Reminicent of Terminal Stare,she keeps the guys attention nicley!
The show features occasional jams by Deathmoblile,the Proffesors band,and the humor is certainlly geared towards us weirdos.It's awesome and I need you to check it out.We need to support local programming like this before were subjected to more night-long commercials!
The It's Alive Show can also be viewed online at and for those who prefer the original,here is a fantastic Chiller Theatre site