
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Speaking of bridges..

...check this out.This bridge is parallel to Rt.88.It must have been part of the original route.Seems to be in decent shape.The plaque was gone,so I don't know a date or other you?
By the way...this sucker is can't tell from the pix,but the drop off the side is at least 50'!

Point Marion, PA Bridge Demolition

Well...the middle section is now in eight peices,barged up and ready to go.The ends are comming down this Monday morning.I will have a better watchin spot!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Follow Up..

By far,the most feedback I get about the blog is the Debbie Makel case.I plan on teaming up with Randi and doing a more indepth story including original news clippings and interviews with folks who were directly involved with the search (who aren't hard to find!)I want to explore timelines and walk the trails of the searchers.To do this properly will take time so stay tuned...and PLEASE email me with any memories you have of the event..

Minor Updates

Spoke with Uncle Biff who believes the Crucible Ferry might still be laying in the mud down at the old landing.Uncle Biff operated the Fredricktown Ferry for many years,even during the filming of Maria's Lovers.The river seems a bit low,so I'll check this out.

Spoke with Chris who believes an additional entrance to the Underwood mine may be nearby on his property.We're gonna explore this asap.

The old Pt Marion/Greene County bridge is slated to blast into the Mon at 9am Monday morning.I will do my best to be on hand to cover the demo.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Flu season+broken laptop = big slowdown in blogland...hang tight,kids! I'll be back!